PrescientQA Passport V5®
Streamlining your CATIA V4 to V5 Migration
The process of V4-V5 migration is complex. How and what you completely migrate depends on how you will use legacy V4 models. Passport helps you evaluate the status of your data and plan which migration method is best for you. It automatically corrects, reorganises and cleans-up migration obstacles enabling users to manage and control migration challenges.

Easier, Faster and Cost-Effective
Automatic clean up and correction of many issues reduces manual rework delivering immediate time savings and reduced costs. Issues that require manual attention are quickly identified allowing designers to focus on correcting the models rather than reviewing each model for problems.

Key Features and Benefits
In-depth reporting identifies data migration readiness interactively or in batch mode
Automatically corrects, reorganise or cleans-up selected migration issues.
Recognise and reports significant problems that impede migration or may cause delays
Provides interactive onscreen advice to navigate migration issues and approaches.
Flexible and configurable to meet company migration strategies
Interactive screens support the development of best practice methodologies while working in V4 for future migration
In-depth Reporting
Using the built-in reporting functionality of Passport, comprehensive metrics are provided.